The following blog is a chronicle of the films I'm studying for my Spring 09' semester of school. As per teacher's request, it also includes most of what I watch between assignments. Feature films I'm assigned to watch for my "History of Film 2" class require a 150+ word review. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

AAU's DVD Lounge

"Kung Fu Panda" (feature)
Dir: Mark Osborne & John Stevenson
Dir. Animation (dream sequence): James Baxter
Head of Character Animation: Dan Wagner
Head of Character Design: Nico Martlet
Premier: 6/6/08
Viewed: 2/4/09
Comment: FINALLY managed to see it. This was more of a belly-laugh movie than an emotional cinematic journey. The acting and animation was awesome, as was the novelty-style editing, though I'll have to see it again in private. The ANM-3d dept. chose THAT day to host a free pizza party in the lounge. Good pizza, horrible audio experience.

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